WHY: Why should you care how to hold your bouquet? Most couples spend a lot time and money on their wedding flowers. They peruse pinterest for inspiration and research flowers in various colors. They spend time thinking about which style of flower arrangements they’d like. They talk with their floral designer about different options. And after all of that, they PAY for those beautiful designs. Since all of this time and money is typically spent on wedding flowers, why not allow those flowers to be seen at their best angle? Below are my best tips on how to hold your wedding bouquets.

THUMBS TO BELLY BUTTON: When you’re holding the stems of your bouquet, your thumbs should be level with your belly button. This will help you to avoid the
awkwardness of holding it “too high” or “too low.” Rest your forearms on your hip bones for a nice, relaxed pose.

FACE OUT: Bouquets will often have a “face.” This is the most beautiful, lush part of your
bouquet. It has the most flowers visible. If the “face” of the bouquet is pointing straight up, it won’t be seen. To avoid this, tilt it at about a 45 degree angle away from your stomach. Now your guests will be
able to see the lovely blooms.
If you have an accessible full-length mirror available, practice holding your bouquet at the correct angle before the ceremony. Get your bride tribe in front of the mirror too. Practice your bouquet holding together. You paid for those flowers, so you’re going to want to show them off.

FACE TO CAMERA: The “face out” tip is also applicable when you’re getting your photos taken. When your photographers tell you to hang your bouquet by your side, don’t hang the bouquet upside down.
Your hand will naturally hang it straight down. Resist this urge! If you don’t, all you’ll likely see in the photo is stems and greenery. Just turn your wrist up a bit, while still allowing your arm to hang. This way you get the cool pose AND your stunning bouquet in the pictures. Again, don’t forget to pass this info onto your bridesmaids. They’ll need it too.

COMMUNICATE: Let your photographer know ahead of time that you’d like the face of your bouquet to always show in the pictures. That way they can watch out for this problem and tell you to adjust the bouquet accordingly. If you don’t tell them, they might not realize this is important to you. Photographers always thank me when I teach brides how to hold their flowers. Yours will most likely be thankful too!